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Restore & Reconnect With This Restorative Yoga Poses

Restorative Yoga is a practice we all need more of and definitely can’t get enough of. It’s a relaxation technique that will leave the body feeling incredibly relaxed and restored. Restorative Yoga is an invitation to slow down, retreat inwards and silence the chatter. In a culture where it is all about “do, achieve, be better…”, an invitation to quiet the mind, step outside of that headspace and into the body and realm of the breath is not only relaxing but life-altering.

Here are some of the benefits of Restorative Yoga practice:

Below, are Restorative Yoga poses to help you wind down after a long day.


Child’s Pose | Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga | Child's Pose | Jal Yoga Instructor

Child’s Pose is a common beginner’s yoga pose that gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles while reducing stress and fatigue. By relaxing the front body muscles, the muscles of the back torso are being stretched softly and passively. This resting position calms, and soothes the brain, making it a therapeutic posture for relieving stress.

When performed with the head and torso supported, it can help relieve back and neck pain. Child’s Pose is often used to restore balance and equanimity to the body. It is also great for soothing frazzled nerves, back-body breathing, and gently supports the vital energy centres of the belly, heart, and head. The tightly wrapped shape envelops the front of the body, which softens and release protective holding patterns in the abdomen.


Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend | Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga | Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend | Jal Yoga Instructor

In the wide-angle seated forward bend, the legs are spread wide from a seated position and the upper body folds forward with support on the forehead.

This pose serves the body well as an opener for the hips while stretching the hamstrings, calves, shoulders and spine. As the abdominal area expands, muscles around the abdomen enhance the digestive system. This aids with problems related to digestive disorders. By stretching the muscles around the spine and helps to loosen the spinal vertebrae. Using the core muscles expands the lower back muscles, making the lower part of the sacrum, strong. This pose helps stimulates the nerves and increases the circulation of blood to the internal organs of the body which in turn increase their efficiency.

By bringing focus to the inner thigh muscles and spine, the pose requires the breath to be in coordination with the movement of the body. This, therefore, brings awareness of the breath as well as the body giving room for concentration and calmness of the mind.


Reclining Bound Angle Pose | Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga | Reclining Bound Angle Pose | Jal Yoga Instructor

Supported Reclining Bound Angle Pose frees congested energy in the abdominal organs. Thus, encourages good pranic flow, health, and vitality to the digestive tract and the organs of elimination. By elevating the spine with bolsters, the rib cage gently expands. This encourages general circulation a restful state for the lungs and heart. It also helps relieve symptoms of stress, mild depression, menstruation and menopause. Making it a wonderful pose for anyone honouring that quiet transition from day to dusk, a time to let go of the day’s events and settle inward.


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