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Do inversions pose look scary to you? Are you afraid to attempt doing one even with people’s assistance? Actually, you can reap lots of benefits when you go inverted! Life is too boring to always stand with your both feet on the ground. Try inversion! It is so fun! It may be difficult to even hold the preparation position at the beginning, but the sense of achievement when you push yourself more during every practice is unmeasurable! But enough saying, let us first show you some of the beneficial takeaways of doing inversions.

  1. Relieve Back Pain

People with poor posture and stay in the same position all day (i.e. sit in front of a computer) are prone to suffer from back pain as pressure is likely to put on the spine. Suffering from back pain can impose hindrance on your daily activity. However, when doing inversions, gravity pulls the body in an opposite direction, relieving and improving spinal pressure and posture.


  1. Lower Blood Pressure

With the fast-paced lifestyle in Singapore, high blood pressure is prevalent among most Singaporeans. Inversions can actually help bring high blood pressure levels down. Gravity imposes pressure inside the blood vessels during inverted position, it counteracts the pressure of the blood pushing out on the vessel walls from inside the body. When you start practice inversions regularly, the blood vessel wall muscles are strengthened gradually and this will aid in lowering blood pressure from people who are suffering from high blood pressure.



  1. Make You Happy

By going upside down, it will increase the circulation of endorphins within their body, which helps to counteract feelings of sadness and anxiety. Daily practice of inversions enables a person to stay positive and light-hearted easier throughout the day.


  1. Increase Immunity & Prevent Illness

Inversions help encourage the flow of lymph back to the heart as well as a healthier body. With the movement of lymph around the body, toxins and bacteria are picked up and eliminated by the lymph nodes. As lymph moves around due to muscle contractions and gravity, going inverted enables lymph to easily travel into the respiratory system where many of the toxins enter the body.



  1. Build Core Strength

Sometimes when you stand or walk, we tend to slouch in a more comfortable position, being lazy with our posture and letting our core sag. However, when you go upside down, you have to engage your core in order to stay upright. Inversion does not just work your arms or legs, it relies greatly on your core strength as well. It is a total-body toner!

  1. Improve Balance

Going inverted help create better body awareness. You will be trained to balance, learn to sense your body in space in a different way.




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2 Responses

  1. Hi Ivy! Welcome to Jal:) Currently, we do not have the dates for the next intake yet, but we will sure be having it next year! We will keep you posted once we have the dates. Thank you and have a lovely day ahead:)