Going for your year-end holidays but suffering from chronic aches and having to miss your regular yoga classes? Fret not. There are ways to keep up with your yoga practice when travelling. It is easier than you think!
1. Pack a good travel yoga mat
There are many travel yoga mats out in the market. But look for one which is foldable that can fit into your luggage bag. Besides being foldable, the ideal travel yoga mat should be light and sticky with a good grip. A good grip helps you keep your downward dog instead of slipping off the mat. Trust us, a trustworthy and light yoga mat will help inspire your practice when travelling!
2. Plan a sequence
Before you take off, speak with your yoga teacher on a set of yoga asanas that you can put down in a note to bring along with you for your trip. Or you can check out our Jal Balance for suggestions on sequences. You can also choose to plan your own set of yoga asanas, something that lasts 20 minutes, 30 minutes to an hour so you get a variety. Remember to include asanas that stretch out the usual tight muscle in your body. Otherwise, you can always visit a free online video site and follow the instructor.
3. Make a cue and reward for practice
The best way to keep a habit going is to make sure you have a cue that prompts you to practice. Cues such as waking up to practice at 8 am in the mornings when you wake up. Or you can choose to do a light half an hour practice 2 hours after dinner in your room. After that, reward yourself for your effort by treating yourself to a nice warm bath or a cup of soothing tea to start off or to end the day. Remember, effort and honouring your effort with rewards is important in keeping your yoga practice regularly on a trip.
4. Look for a local yoga studio
With yoga studios easily found in most places around the world – from cities to beach resorts and parks, you might want to drop in for yoga practice near your travel accommodation. You can explore how other teachers in other countries deliver their classes and even get to know the community. Trying out yoga practice in another land might inspire you differently or the worst case is you don’t like it but you do not have to return again, after all, you are a traveller!
5. Yoga is not just asanas
The spirit of yoga is beyond asana practice. You can learn to be aware of your body and surroundings as you do when working on the asanas. Keep your mindfulness in activities – such as going on a sightseeing trip to eating mindfully.
These are our recommendations to keep your yoga practice alive during an overseas trip so you do not feel that you have lost the stability, strength, and flexibility when you are home! Share with us if you have other ideas on how to keep your yoga practice alive when travelling.
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